We assess applicants based on their leadership level and experience to support the exclusivity of the event and to facilitate meaningful interactions among true peers. Factors considered for acceptance include:  

  • Holding a title of VP / CMO or higher  
  • Not occupying a role that involves active selling to fellow marketers
  • Availability – Seats for this event are limited and allocated on a first-come, first-served basis upon receipt of payment

Non-Solicitation Policy

While we recognize the potential for business collaborations within our network, it is paramount that the Executive Marketer Summit remains a confidential and trusted environment for all participants.

We enforce a stringent non-solicitation policy, prohibiting any form of proactive sales or marketing efforts, as well as solicitation of goods or services intended to generate future business among Executive Marketer Summit attendees. This includes overt, indirect, and implied solicitations, unless expressly invited to do so. Spamming, such as posting repetitive or multiple variations of content, is strictly prohibited.